I challenge all those who have prejudices against HINDUISM Watch the full video (all 3 parts). ------------------------------------ may be a series of statements and materials presented in the ancient Vedic texts shown to be incompatible with modern scientific findings and also show a highly developed scientific content in these literatures. The great cultural wealth of this knowledge is of great importance in the modern world. To show the techniques used, this agreement include: Marineunderwater archaeological sites (like Dwaraka) satellite imagery of the Indus River system and Saraswati Thermoluminiscence carbon dating of archaeological scientific review of the biblical statements Linguistic analysis of scripts found on archaeological artifacts A Study of cultural continuity in all these categories. ----------------- devavision.org Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists believe that all religions are different paths to the same God REACH, as allvarious rivers meet the sea itself. E 'ignorance to believe that my religion is the only true religion, only My Religion followers go to heaven and all the others are not. We believe that Allah, Jehovah, Brahman, Ishvara, Ram, Rahim and Bhagwan all just different names for the same "Supreme Being" is. Several schools of philosophy in Hinduism are welcome - www.youtube.com The description of God in Hinduism (Upanishads - Hindu Scriptures) - Jesus www.youtube.com from India andlearned ...
Tags: Hindu, Hinduism, Jesus, Christ, Christianity, Allah, Jehovah, God, Science, Aryan, India, Religion, Islam, Muslim
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